Monday, April 28, 2008


Try to guess where I have time to sketch (with my SUPER-high-tec ballpoint...). Zombies have never been my forte so I hope this is okay...


wheat said...

awesome!!! i love the fact that even though he's a zombie he still feels compelled to deliver his pizza!!

fmcuonzo said...

Hi. Yes. I'd like to order a large pie. Half with pepperoni and the other half with BRAAAAAAAAIIIIIIINS! Love it Chaz.

Marcus said...

The pen is mightier than the floppy disk... as evidenced by the fact that no one uses floppies anymore.

Way to sling ink man, Great dead delivery guy though I thik he might be too slow to get there in 30 minutes or less with such rotting limbs!

Carlos said...

love his expression! (and the way the box is crumbled) lol