Sunday, April 20, 2008



Jazun's Art Blog said...

great pose yo.

wheat said...

finally!!!! the los has checked in!!!
good stuff bro!

M.RIOS said...

Holy Shit Jason do you always have to be the first to post a comment. By the way carlos great piece.

Brian Reynolds said...

come on m.rios...jason is just doing what comes natural...trolling the forums...

sweet piece C, like how he's set up on the rock. Nice shot

Anonymous said...

nice to hear from you carlos, excellent work.

cory smith said...

Holy Shit m.rios do you always have to be the first to post a comment about how Jason always has to be the first to post a comment?

Kick Ass Fett, Carlos! No wonder the Sarlacc got him if he's always aiming upward!

Marcus said...

As usual, a tight and professional creation dude... Damn, just when I'd sworn off trying to eat people's brains to gain their power...

Lost Viking said...

Carlos, you NEVER listen!!! I told you to start flipping burgers 'cause you can't even draw cash from a mac-machine!!!!

HOLY POOP, that is some good caca!! That's it: I've broken my pencil!! I'm done!! I can't keep up with talent like that!!Love the pose. Love the detail and I love the fact that Boba's got a good old fashion pencil strapped to his rifle hand!! :-D

BEAUTIFUL work!! As always, and you are on my "YOU BASTARD" list, 'cause this piece is just THAT good!!